Beta Reading Services

So, you may be asking yourself: What services do Writer's Drawing Board’s Beta Reading Services provide?

We know that writing is a very personal endeavor. We guarantee to keep your material confidential and keep any guidance proactive. We will provide feedback, but we will always be kind and courteous, something that online media like Facebook, Twitter and Wattpad cannot promise. We ask that you accept our constructive feedback with an open mind.

Even though we are not a professional editing service, while reading our Beta Readers look for common grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors, and will advise you of such. Professional editors typically charge by the level of content editing they have to perform on a manuscript, we do not. This service gives your work a polish which can save you money in the long run.

We read your manuscript from the perspective of the average reader. If we spot areas that should be developed or have ideas that will help improve the authenticity of your story, we will communicate that to you.
When we read your manuscript, we will provide you with feedback regarding the flow, character development, story arcs, pacing, dialogue, potential plot inconsistencies, and other areas where your story may not be clear to your readers.

Beta Readers communicate with you weekly to let you know their progress and what if any considerations we can provide. Once we have completed the material, we will provide you with an in-depth written report.
Other Beta Reading Services can be more expensive and may restrict you to providing a full manuscript. We don’t. We’ll take your work regardless of how far along you may be and have additional services to deal with writing blocks you may be facing to continue your work.

Cost: $ 100.00 per manuscript.

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